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Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker creates opportunities for players to score valuable multipliers to boost their winnings. These random multipliers show up for an extra coin wagered per hand. On top of that, the multiple hand aspect of the game gives players the chance to play up to 10 hands at once to speed up the pace of play.

Video poker has grown in popularity since the earliest versions of the game essentially mimicked a one-person version of Five-Card Draw. It has grown so much is because the format can be altered to change up the action. You never have to be stuck playing the same types of game over and over again.

For Example

There are different pay tables available which can give you boosted payback for certain hands. You can also play games with wild cards to achieve high-paying hands with a bit more ease.

In addition, multiple play action allows you to play faster than playing one hand at a time. Even as your responsibilities as a player stay the same, multiple hand action allows you three, five or ten hands all on the screen. More hands at once means that you can win more in a hurry in this manner.

Some video poker games even include special features which change up the normal way the game is played. Multipliers are among the most popular of these twists. Instead of getting the normal payback for a winning hand, you can see it multiplied many times over.

Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker puts all of this within reach. There are many pay tables, whether you’re playing in a casino or on a gambling website. You can play many hands at once, all within the Super Times Pay format.

It takes six coins per hand to find out. If you bet less, you can still play Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker, but it will look a lot like basic video poker and you don’t have the chance to win as big.

If you bet that sixth coin per hand, multipliers will start appearing at random as you play. When you match these multipliers up with a winning combination, your winnings can rise in a hurry. And when you consider that you’re be playing multiple hands, those winnings can really spike quickly.

Of course, more hands and higher bets also put you at greater risk. If you can’t get winning combinations and multipliers, you’ll struggle to keep your bankroll afloat. That’s why Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker requires substantial funding to keep from losing it quickly.

In the following article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker. We’ll show you the basics of video poker, and we’ll then go into the special twists that are part of the game. And we’ll explain what kind of pay tables to expect as well as talking about the strategy needed to play the game at a high level.

How to Play Video Poker

When you look at a game like Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker for the first time and see everything happening on the screen, it can seem quite complicated. But in actuality, the game is just an offshoot of the simplest form of video poker. And that’s a game that you can learn to play in minutes even if you’re a newcomer.

If you’re new to video poker, you may be surprised to learn everything that it has in store. Because it’s a one-person game and the machines are usually located in the same sections of casinos, video poker often gets compared to slot machines. But there is actually a lot to video poker that compares to table games like blackjack or poker, in that you get to use strategy to try and win more profits.

Video poker is also one of the most transparent of all casino games, with the probabilities for winning hands easily calculable and the pay tables letting you know what you can win. On top of that, it’s a game that offers excellent payback percentage when compared to other casino offerings. And the online version of video poker, found at top gambling websites, offers pretty much the same experience as what you would get from playing the game in a casino.

With all those positives, video poker acts as an ideal hybrid of easy slot machines and lucrative table games. To learn how to play Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker, however, you first have to learn the basics. Take a look at it, step by step.

Step 1: Building a Bankroll

To start up your bankroll when playing at a video poker machine, you simply have to enter money into it. For those playing online, your bankroll will come from the betting account that you fund when you sign up to play real money video poker online. In any case, this bankroll will let you make your bets and will be the place where your winnings collect.

Your bankroll won’t be rendered in dollars and cents, but in units known as credits or coins. These units will correspond to whatever denomination you happen to be playing. For example, if you’re playing at a 25-cent machine and you bet five credits, it means you’re betting $1.25 (5 times .25).

Step 2: Making a Bet

Your bets in most video poker games where you play a single hand at a time will come within the range of one to five credits. But remember that when you’re playing Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker, that equation will change a bit. The maximum wager is six credits per hand, and you will be playing three, five, or 10 hands at once.

That means your maximum wagers for Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker could be the following:

  • 3 hands = 18 coins
  • 5 hands = 30 coins
  • 10 hands = 60 coins

This might seem like a lot of money to be betting per hand. Even with a low denomination, that’s a lot per one round of video poker. You can always choose to play the game at less than six coins per hand if you want.

But it’s important to remember that the vast majority of video poker games offer the biggest average payback, over a long period of time, to those who bet the max. And Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker is no exception. While the number of hands you won’t affect payback too much one way or another, you should always bet the six coins per hand to earn the multipliers and play this game at the highest possible level.

Step 3: Play a Hand

As we’ve explained, you’ll be playing multiple hands of video poker at once with Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker. But you won’t understand how to do that until you learn how to play a single hand first. And that’s what we’ll concentrate on in this section.

Video poker basically plays out like a simulated version of Five-Card Draw, a popular table game version of poker. In Five-Card Draw, players receive five cards on their deal and try to make the best possible hand out of those five cards. To do that, they are allowed one round where they can discard cards and draw new ones to take their place.

But Five-Card Draw is a multiple-player game, which means that betting strategy, in terms of bluffing and other tactics, really comes into play. But video poker is a one-person game. All you have to worry about when you play is making one of the winning combinations on the pay table.

What are those winning combinations? Well, they can differ depending on the pay table you’re playing (and on whether wild cards are involved). But most of the time, these are the winning combinations you’ll be seeking.

  • Pair of jacks or better
  • Two pair
  • Three of a kind
  • Straight (five cards of consecutive rank, like 3-4-5-6-7)
  • Flush (five cards of same suit)
  • Full house (three of a kind and two pair in the same hand)
  • Four of a kind
  • Straight flush (straight with five cards of same suit)
  • Royal flush (ten, jack, queen, king, and ace of the same suit)

These combinations run from the easy to make, such as a high pair of two pair, to the very rare, such as the royal flush or straight flush. The harder the hand is to make, the more it will pay. That is the key to all decisions you make about what to hold and what to discard on each hand.

How the Deal Works

You’ll get five cards on the deal, which you’ll see appear on your screen. These cards will be digitally dealt from a deck of 52 cards being shuffled by the game’s software. This shuffling process is always taking place, meaning that your results for each deal and draw are random.

In other words, you shouldn’t expect certain cards to appear just because you haven’t seen them in a while. Nor you should expect other cards to be absent just because you’ve seen them often in recent hands. Each deal and draw are completely independent of any other that has gone on before it while you play the game.

Deciding on Your Play

You’ll have one chance to improve your video poker. After the deal, you get to choose which cards you want to hold (if any) and which you want to discard (if any). The cards you hold will be a part of your final hand, while other cards will be drawn to replace the cards you’ve discarded.

Remember that the draw will take place from a deck of 47 cards. After all, the five card that were dealt to you cannot be received again on the draw. And if you discard one of them, you won’t get it back.
How do you make your decision? Well, there are two factors that should come into play.

First, you should be considering your chances of forming a winning combination based on what you already have in your deal and what you might get on the draw. And second, you should also be thinking about the potential payback from these combinations. There will be times when it makes sense to try to achieve an easier combination, even though it doesn’t pay that well.

But there will also be times when it’s smart to try for a high-paying hand, even if you’ll have to get pretty lucky on the draw to make that happen. The risk and reward that is part of all gambling games really comes into play at this point in your video poker hand.

Finishing Out the Hand

The final step in any single hand of video poker is the draw. As you make your decisions, you’ll indicate the cards you want to hold. This might require pushing a button if you’re playing at a machine, clicking an icon if you’re playing on a computer, or touching a screen if you’re using a gambling app.


Make sure you have the right cards indicated before you press the “draw” button. When you do this, the cards you’ve discarded will be replaced and the process complete. At that point, your video poker hand is complete.

As for your bankroll, it will be deducted by the amount you bet at the beginning of the hand when the cards are dealt. And if you win, your bankroll will be credited by the amount the winning combination earns on the pay table. That amount will include the amount of your original wager.

That’s how a single hand of video poker works. With that foundation in place, you should be ready to now move on to the specifics of Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker.

How to Play More Than One Video Poker Hand at Once

When you play multiple play video poker, as will be the case in Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker, you don’t have to worry about anything extra from what you would do with a single hand. You’ll make the decisions about holding and discarding as always. But those decisions will be played out over three, five, or 10 hands on a single screen.

The key to understanding this is realizing that you’re still getting a single deal. Your decisions about what to hold and discard will impact every hand that you play. There will then be separate draws from simulated decks, one for each hand you’re playing, that have the same 47 cards in them.

Let’s take a look at how this process works in an example of Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker.

Sample Multiple Hand Round

For this example, let’s say that you wanted to play three hands of Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker at once, using a Jacks or Better pay table (more on pay tables later). You’ll see room on the screen for three five-card hands in rows stacked top to bottom. And your deal will appear on the screen in the bottom row.

Let’s imagine the following deal:

According to a common Jacks or Better pay table, there are no winning combinations to be found in those five cards as they are. But there are several smaller combinations that have the potential to be turned into winners on the draw. A few examples include:

  • Pair of twos: From this foundation, you could discard the other three cards. The three cards you receive on the draw could end up becoming two pair, three of a kind, a full house, or four of a kind.
  • Four cards to a flush: The four hearts can be turned into a flush if you discard the two of clubs. Your chances of drawing a flush: nine (number of hearts in the deck) in 47 (number of cards remaining in the deck).
  • Three cards to a straight flush: The two, three, and four of hearts are both consecutive in rank and of the same suit. Drawing the ace and five of hearts or the five and the six of hearts would give you the straight flush, if you drop the two of clubs and queen of hearts. The great thing about this choice is that you can draw several other winning combinations even if you don’t get the straight flush.

This is where it’s a good idea to know the proper strategy. Making the right choice according to the math might lead to winning hands, or it might not. But it will maximize your earning potential if you can make this right choice every time (more on that when we get to strategy).

For this example, let’s imagine that you decide on holding the two, three, and four of hearts. When you hit the hold buttons for these cards, you’ll see those cards appearing in the other two hands right in the same position that they are on the bottom. This lets you know that they are now a part of all three of your hands.

When you hit the draw button, you’ll see all the cards fill out in all three hands were there were discards. Let’s take a look at how the sample hands might turn out:

Hand 1:

Hand 2:

Hand 3:

In Hand 1, you made a flush. Hand 2 ended up with a straight. And you came up empty in Hand 3.

Still, you won two of the three hands. According to a Jacks or Better pay table, you’d win 30 coins for the flush and 20 coins for the straight. Add that up and you’ve got 50 coins in this round of Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker.

Notice also in our sample hands that the six of spades showed up in two separate draws. That is a possibility, because the draw decks for each hand will have the same 47 cards. As a result, getting the same card in multiple draws is possible.

The example was for three hands, but the process would be the same for five or 10 hands of Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker at once. You’d just be getting more draws than the above example.

The Good and Band of Multi-Hand Poker

The example above shows you how great it can be when things go right in multiple action. You can basically earn far more in a shorter period of time than you could if you were playing a single hand at a time. And the effect can be even greater if you come up with a winning combination on the deal, which would guarantee you multiple wins.

But the opposite effect can also come into play. If you have a bad deal or bad luck on the draw, you’d be looking at multiple losses at once instead of just a single bet. The more hands that you play, the more you risk you’ll encounter.

For that reason, you should consider the high volatility level of Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker before you decide to play. Volatile games are subject to wild swings between wins and losses, instead of the steadier action provided by less volatile games. To protect yourself against a slump that could bust you out quickly, you should make your bankroll is robust enough to sustain.

Super Times Pay Multipliers

If you bet six coins per hand when playing Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker, you’ll see multipliers show up at random while you play. What are multipliers? Well, they do what they say and multiply your winnings.

For example, let’s say that you play a hand of video poker that has a 5x (5 times multiplies attached to it). In that hand, you form a winning combination that would normally earn you 20 coins. Instead, you would earn:

5 times 20 coins = 100 coins

So, how do you get these multipliers when you play Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker? Well, once you make the six-coin bet per hand, there’s nothing you can do. You just have to play your hands and hope they appear.

How often do they appear? Well, you can expect to see it somewhere in the neighborhood of once every 15 rounds. But keep in mind, that is an average and results are random.

You could get really lucky and see several multipliers in a bunch of your opening hands. Or you might be unlucky and not see one for dozens upon dozens of rounds of Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker. But if you play the game long enough, the frequency will average out to one every 15 rounds of multiple hand action.

When you see the multiplier, it will apply to all the hands that you’re currently playing. You’ll see it in the deal, popping up in one of the spaces where the cards are revealed. It will then be moved into the multipliers box on the bottom left of the Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker screen to let you know that it will be in effect for all the hands you’re playing.

What are the available multipliers in Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker? Take a look:

  • 2x
  • 3x
  • 4x
  • 5x
  • 8x
  • 10x

Even though there are six different multipliers in play in Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker, it doesn’t mean that each amount will appear one-sixth of the time a multiplier is on screen. They are instead weighted so that the average multiplier comes in just above 4x. Again, your results may vary, at least until you’ve played the game long enough fo random results to even out.

One other thing you have to realize about the multipliers in play for Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker: There is no guarantee they will multiply anything. For example, you could get a multiplier for a three-hand round and have all the hands turn out to be losers. In that case, your payback is still zero, since anything multiplied by zero is zero.

Still, multipliers in Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker can be very valuable. You’ll be short-changing yourself if you don’t bet the six coins per hand and play the game without them.

Pay Tables in Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand Video Poker

The great thing about a format like Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker is that it can be played with a variety of different pay tables. You’re not locked into a pay table that you don’t particularly like. As a result, you can really tailor the game to your style.

We already told you that the multiple-hand action in Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker will drive up the volatility. In order to combat that, you can try a pay table like Jacks or Better, which is low volatility in nature. That will help you balance out the effect of the multiple hands.

Or you could lean into that volatility. Pay tables like Double Bonus or Double Bonus pump up the payback on four of a kind hands. When you combine that with multiple play and multipliers, you really ramp up the possibility of a jackpot-style payback in an instant.

You might even choose a Deuces Wild pay table to use when playing Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker. This means that the four twos in the deck are “wild.” They can be substituted for any card in the deck that improves your hand the most.

The pay tables listed below are found in the Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker family. They are also the highest-paying tables you can find. If you find pay tables with lesser payback for certain hands, that will drive your payback percentage down and raise the house edge somewhat.

Jacks or Better Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four of a kind255075100125
Full house918273645
Three of kind3691215
Two pairs246810
Jacks or better12345

Bonus Poker Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four of a kind (aces)80160240320400
Four of a kind (2s, 3s, or 4s)4080120160200
Four of a kind (any other)20406080100
Full house816243240
Three of a kind3691215
Two pairs246810
Jacks or better12345

Double Bonus Poker Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four of a kind (aces)160320480640800
Four of a kind (2s, 3s, or 4s)80160240320400
Four of a kind (any other)50100150200250
Full house918273645
Three of a kind3691215
Two pairs12345
Jacks or better12345

Double Double Bonus Poker Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four aces without any 2,3,44008001,2001,6002,000
Four 2s, 3s, 4s without any A,2,3,4160320480640800
Four aces160320480640800
Four 2s, 3s, 4s80160240320400
Four 5s through Ks50100150200250
Full house918273645
Three of a kind3691215
Two pairs12345
Pair of jacks +12345

Deuces Wild Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Four deuces2004006008001,000
Wild royal flush255075100125
Five of a kind1530456075
Straight flush918273645
Four of a kind510152025
Full house3691215
Three of a kind12345

Overall Video Poker Strategy

We’ve talked at multiple points in this article about how results might be random in Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker in the short term. The more you play, the more luck evens out and the results start to adhere to the average. That is a key concept for strategy as well.

When you’re playing any form of video poker, your goal is to maximize the value of your deal according to the pay table you’re playing. In other words, there will be one set of holds and discards, out of the 32 possibilities, that would average the best possible return when a particular deal is played an infinite number of times.

Learning the strategy for every possible deal is not something that the average video poker could do without help. And if you play without having a strategy and house edge in mind, it could lead to bad decisions that drive down your expected payback.

Video poker strategy requires you taking the time to learn it. But first you have to decide if there are any adjustments to be made due to the Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker format.

Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand Video Poker Strategy

The good news is that basic strategy for a particular pay table should work when you’re playing in the Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker format. First of all, the multiple play shouldn’t change what you do. You should play your cards the same regardless of whether you have three, five, or 10 hands in front of you.

As for the multiplier aspect of Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker, you technically shouldn’t change up your strategy for that either. It is understandable, however, if you see the multiplier show up on the screen, if you choose to go for the easiest winning combination. That would ensure you the best chance of cashing in the multipliers when you get them.

But over the long haul, you would be better off using proper strategy, regardless of whether the multipliers are there or not. If you play conservatively, you could be cheating yourself out of high-paying winning combinations that would really be amplified by any multipliers in play.

Knowing all this, strategy for Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker basically comes down to picking a preferred pay table and then using one of the following resources:

Video Poker Training Software

Training software for video poker can be helpful for those learning the game in a number of ways. First of all, you’ll get the strategy you need. But you’ll also learn the basics of the game, such as bankrolls, bets, indicating holds and discards, and everything else that goes into the rhythm of play.

As for strategy, you’ll learn that from repetition. As you play, the software will tell you if you’re making the right or wrong decisions for each deal based on the math. After playing with the software for a while, you’ll know all the right plays and be able to repeat them when you’re playing for real money.

Strategy Charts

Strategy charts offer a bit of a quicker path to learning strategy than training software. To get all the information you need, you just have to memorize the charts, which can be found online for all of the pay tables used in Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker. This is easier said than done, as there are a lot of different combinations that you have to learn in order.

They have to be learned in order because they are ranked. The card combinations you might receive on the deal with the most value are at the top of the list, with each succeeding combination on the chart having less value than the one above it. Once you know all this, you’ll immediately know which card combinations are most valuable to you in every deal that you get.

Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand Video Poker Pros and Cons

  • Multipliers can really beef up your standard payback
  • You can win a lot more in a shorter amount of time with multiple hands in play
  • Excellent variety of pay tables from which you can choose
  • You might get empty multipliers which won’t do anything for your winnings
  • The size of the maximum bets is prohibitive
  • A losing streak will put a hurt on your bankroll very quickly

Conclusion on Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand Video Poker

Super Times Pay Poker Multi-Hand video poker lets you quicken the tempo from what you could expect from basic video poker play. It also puts multipliers that can be quite lucrative well within your reach. As long as you don’t mind paying for all these extras, you could find that this is a game that is ideal for jackpot-hunting.

Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker allows two special features to spice up the action of typical video poker. With the Super Times Pay option in play, you’ll occasionally receive valuable multipliers to beef up the payback you’ll get for winning hands. And the Wheel Poker part of the equation lets you spin a digital wheel for bonus coins when you come up with four of a kind on one of your hands.

One of the most exciting aspects of video poker is how it allows you to play the game in many different ways. You can stick to the basics and play Jacks or Better one hand at a time, if you want. This is the simplest format of the game yet still provides great excitement and payback opportunities.

But if you want to branch out, there are many ways to make that happen. You can try different pay tables, play games with wild cards in the mix, or even take on several hands at a time on a single screen. You can even try one of the many video poker games that contains special features.

In the case of Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker, you get all of this in one thrilling package. Should you choose to do so, you can play a basic video poker version within this format. But if you double the size of your normal bet, you’ll activate two special twists that could pop up at any time.

As you play, multipliers can be attached to the hands you’re playing. We say “hands,” because Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker is a game that is primarily found in multiple-hand format. These multipliers stick to all the hands you’re playing and boost the payback up to 10 times.

On top of that, the “Pay Wheel” aspect of gameplay comes into play in Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker. If any of the hands on the screen ends up as four of a kind after the draw, you’ll have a chance to spin a wheel. Depending on where your spin lands, you could earn up to 1,000 bonus coins.

When you get both of these special features working in your favor when playing Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker, the possibilities for big payback are impressive. For that reason, you need to bet extra to put these features into play. The maximum bet for each hand is 10 coins instead of five.

That is no small amount, especially when you consider you’ll be playing three, five, or 10 hands at once. Even with a small denomination, your financial burden will be significant for each round of Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker. But the tradeoff comes in the form of the massive winnings you earn.

In the following article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker. We’ll explain how to play basic video poker, how playing several hands at once works, and what happens when you enact both of the special features of the game. Finally, we’ll look into how you learn proper strategy for playing this game.

Learning to Play Basic Video Poker

Based on what we’ve said above, you can probably tell that Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker is a bit more involved than you might expect from typical video poker. But you can rest assured that none of it will seem too complex once you learn the basic game. And the basic format of video poker is one of the easier casino games to learn.

As a matter of fact, ease of play is just one of the characteristics of video poker. It’s often called a combination of slot machines and table games, but that sells it short. Video poker is a game that many discerning gamblers play more than any other in casinos and gambling websites.

First of all, it’s a self-contained game. That means you don’t need any help or participation from anybody else to play it. You can play with complete privacy at whatever pace you choose.

On the other hand, video poker separates itself from slot machines, to which it is often compared, by its use of strategy. In other words, you get to have some say in whether you win or lose. You can also utilize simple probability math to see how much you can expect to achieve winning hands.

Video poker also ranks among the best-paying, on average, of all casino games. And you can play it online without missing anything. In fact, you might prefer playing video poker on top gambling websites simply for the convenience factor.

But first, you have to learn to play. We’re walking you through the process of playing a hand of video poker. Then, we’ll talk about the twists and turns with Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker.

Step 1: Create a Bankroll

A bankroll is a necessity in video poker if you’re playing for real money, because it will allow you to make bets and collect winnings. On a video poker machine, you’ll simply insert cash to start up a bankroll. If you’re playing online, you’ll need to set up a bankroll by funding a gambling account.

Your bankroll will be broken up into units known as credits or coins. These units will relate to whatever denomination you’re playing. For example, a 10-coin win on a 25-cent machine will earn you $2.50 (10 times .25).

Step 2: Make a Bet

Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker is a little bit different than the average video poker game in this department. In most video poker variations, you’ll be playing a single hand at a time. And you can wager between one and five coins on those hands.

But Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker requires you to play three, five, or 10 hands at once. You need to make a wager on each of those hands. Right off the bat, you’ll need to commit more coins per round.
On top of that, you have the option of raising your maximum wager for each hand to 10 coins instead of five. What this does is it allows you to play with the special features the game has to offer. You can play without them if you choose, but it isn’t recommended.

The highest payback when playing Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker regularly can only be achieved through constantly playing the max bet of ten coins per hand. If you fall short of that, your payback percentage will suffer. Here is how much that will cost you:

  • Three hands = 30 coins
  • Five hands = 50 coins
  • 10 hands = 100 coins

Step 3: Play a Hand

Before we can even get to multiple hands at once, you first have to learn how a single hand of video poker works. It essentially matches the process of the card game known as Five-Card Draw. In both games, the player receives five cards, chooses what to hold or discard, and then receives new cards for the discarded ones.

But there are differences. For example, in Five-Card Draw, you’re playing with multiple people at a table. That means that you have to beat them all, either by forming the best hand or forcing everyone else to drop out by bluffing them.

But bluffs aren’t a part of video poker, because you’re the only one at the table. You just have to form one of the winning combinations on the pay table. For pay tables without wild cards, that means one of the following:

  • Pair of jacks or better
  • Two pair
  • Three of a kind
  • Straight (five cards of consecutive rank, like 3-4-5-6-7)
  • Flush (five cards of same suit)
  • Full house (three of a kind and two pair in the same hand)
  • Four of a kind
  • Straight flush (straight with five cards of same suit)
  • Royal flush (ten, jack, queen, king, and ace of the same suit)

On this list, the hands at the top are relatively common during game play, but don’t pay that much. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the list are the hands that rarely appear but pay off significantly when they do. You have to judge when to play it safe for a small payback and when to go for a long shot at a big score.

The Deal

Once you’ve completed all the preliminaries of bankrolls and betting, you’ll hit the “deal” button and five cards will appear on your screen. The cards come from a digitized deck of 52 within the software of the game. And these 52 cards are always shuffling waiting for you to hit the deal button.

This shuffling process keeps everything random in video poker. You won’t be able to expect certain cards to appear just because they haven’t shown up in recent hands. That’s important to realize to keep you from making poor decisions.

The Decision

As we said above, strategy is indeed a part of video poker. And that strategy comes into play when the deal appears and you choose which cards you want to hold and which you want to discard. This decision will be made with the intention of creating the best possible poker hand out of the five cards you have at the end of the process.

Any cards that you choose to hold will be a part of your final hand. The cards you discard will be replaced by others from the deck. When you make this decision, you have to take into account the chances of achieving a winning hand while also keeping in mind the possible payback you’ll receive.

The Draw

Once you’ve made your choice, you have to indicate the cards you want to hold. You can do this on a video poker machine by either hitting the buttons underneath those cards or, if you’re playing on a touch screen, by touching them on the screen. If you’re playing online, you can usually poise your icon over the cards you want to hold and click on them.

You’ll then hit the draw button and the cards you’ve discarded will be replaced. These cards will come from the original deck, which will still have 47 cards remaining in it. There is no way for you to receive any of the cards you got on the deal on the draw as well.

The machine will then add any winnings you might have achieved to your bankroll. You can then go prepare to start the process for the next hand. In actuality, once you get comfortable playing video poker, you can usually complete the process of playing a single hand in a matter of seconds.

Playing Multiple Hands at Once

We just described the process for playing a single hand of video poker. But, as we’ve said, when playing Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker, you must play three, five, or 10 hands at once. Luckily, the basic process is the same as playing a single hand, albeit one that plays out over multiple five-card combinations.

You will still receive a single deal when playing multiple hands. And you’ll see it at the bottom of the screen. Above this space will be representations of several five-card hands, with the exact number depending on how many hands you’ve chosen to play.

When you make your decision about the single deal, it will then be repeated for all the hands that you’re playing. You’ll see the cards that you hold show up in all of the hands on the screen in the same positions as they were in on the bottom hand.

Once you’re settled on this decision and hit the draw button, cards will begin to fill in all over the screen, completing all of the hands. Each draw will be separate, coming from separate decks containing the 47 remaining cards. Because of that, it’s possible to get the same card in multiple draws.

Sample Multiple Play Round

For an example, let’s imagine that you’ve decided to play three hands at once. You receive the following deal:

There aren’t any winning combinations in this deal. But there are several different interesting possibilities you could pursue in terms of holding cards and discarding others. Some of those include:

  • You could hold the pair of fours. Although this falls short of the jacks or better you need to win with a pair, you could improve the hand on the draw. With three cards coming on the draw, you could end up with two pair, three of a kind, a full house or four of a kind.
  • You could hold the four hearts. This would leave you just one card short of a flush. But, by dropping only one card, you’d only have one chance to draw the card you need.
  • You could hold the four, five, and six of hearts. This play would give you good versatility, since you’d be open to a wide range of winning combinations on the draw. And the big one would be the straight flush, one of the highest-paying hands in all of video poker.

Each of these possibilities come with different risk and reward levels attached to them. For the sake of out multiple play example, let’s imagine that you go with the third option, holding the three hearts of consecutive rank. Those three cards would appear on the screen for all three hands.

The draw could turn out like this:

Top hand:

Middle hand:

Bottom hand:

The top hand provided you with two pair, a winning combination. In the middle hand, you managed a flush. On the bottom, you came up empty.

You would get paid for the two winning combinations according to whatever pay table you chose. This example shows you how a good deal can benefit you many times over in Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker because of multiple-play mode. But you also have to be prepared for the bigger financial hit you could take on a bad deal.

Super Times Pay Multipliers

Multipliers are one of the most common ways to spice up video poker play. And they turn out to be a big part of Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker. With a multiplier attached to your multiple-play round, your winnings can really take off in a hurry.

When you’re playing Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker, multipliers will show up at random as you play. In fact, you could expect them on about one of every nine deals that you receive. That might not seem like a lot, but it’s much higher than the one in 15 ratio for multiplier hands that you get in regular Super Times Pay action.

That is part of the reason why the max bet is so high in Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker. The frequency of the multiplier will definitely make a positive impact. This is especially the case in multiple-hand play.

Here are the multipliers you can get while playing Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker:

  • 2x
  • 3x
  • 4x
  • 5x
  • 8x
  • 10x

How do they work? Well, let’s go back to our multiple play example from above. You’ll remember that we had two pair in one hand and a flush in another.

If you were playing on a Jacks or Better pay table with a max bet in play, you would have received 10 coins for the two pair and 30 coins for the flush. It would have been a 40 coin-win.

But now, let’s imagine that you had a 4x multiplier attached to that round of Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker. 4 times 40 puts the total winnings at 160 coins. Minus the 30-coin bet you would have needed to play the game with the bonuses, you’d be looking at a profit of 130 coins.

There is no guarantee that your multipliers will be attached to winning combinations. It’s possible you could have a multiplier in place for a round of hands and come up empty on all of them. But if you can match the multipliers to a bunch of winning combinations, your Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker bankroll will soar in a mighty hurry.

Wheel Spins

We’ve reached the final twist that comes into play during Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker. It’s the possibility that you might spin a digital wheel that could ramp up your winnings in a hurry. And it will come into play whenever you achieve a hand of four of a kind on the draw.

Obviously, four of a kind is not an easy hand to achieve. But when you’re playing in multiple-play mode, you’ll be going through many more hands a minute than you would if you were playing basic video poker. That increases the chances that you’ll see a quad during an average session.

Once you have achieved a four of a kind, a wheel will appear on the Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker screen. This wheel will include 11 spaces. Each of these spaces will contain a different coin amount.
The coin amounts included on a Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker wheel are:

  • 100
  • 150
  • 200
  • 250
  • 300
  • 400
  • 500
  • 600
  • 800
  • 1,000
  • 2,000

The process is simple. Once you hit the icon to start the wheel spinning, it will land on one of the spaces. And you’ll win the amount of coins listed on that space.

One thing you do have to realize is that, even though there are 11 spaces on the wheel in Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker, you won’t have an equal chance of landing on all 11 spaces. The software inside the game weights the spins. On average, you can expect about 400 coins or so on a wheel spin.

That’s not to say that you couldn’t end up with one of the extreme amounts on a single spin. But after playing Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker for a long time, the average amount won on your spins should eventually come out near the 400-coin level or slightly higher.

This is a nice little bonus. After all, four of a kind is already a pretty significant hand to make in terms of payback. When you add this bonus to it, it is another way that your bankroll can quickly spike playing Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker.

Pay Tables for Super Times Pay Wheel Poker Video Poker

Another way that you’ll benefit from playing Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker is by choosing from a wide variety of pay tables. These pay tables are different enough from one another that you can really hone in on one that fits your style of play. You can find one that is just right for your risk level, desire for payback, preferred variance, and strategy.

Since betting 10 coins over multiple hands can really put a strain on your bankroll, you might wish to balance that out by playing one of the more conservative pay tables available in the Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker game. Jacks or Better is ideal for this. With solid payback for common hands and a structure where pay for winning hands goes up steadily, you can expect to fight against some of the volatility of this format.

But you might be the type that likes the idea that Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker gives you chances for quick, significant payback. You could lean into that by choosing one of the Bonus Poker pay tables. These pay tables tend to award higher payback for four of a kind at the expense of some of the common hands.

Finally, you could choose one of the wild card games available in Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker. Deuces Wild and Bonus Deuces Wild both make all the twos in the deck wild, meaning that they can be changed into any other card in the deck. Wild cards can really add excitement to your game play.

Super Times Video Poker

No matter which pay table you choose, try to find one with payback that closely resembles the payback listed for the different variations below. You might not be able to find the below versions, which tend to be among the highest-paying games available, on a Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker machine or online game. But you can find tables that are close to those, meaning that your payback won’t suffer too much from ideal levels.

Jacks or Better Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four of a kind255075100125
Full house918273645
Three of kind3691215
Two pairs246810
Jacks or better12345

Bonus Poker Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four of a kind (aces)80160240320400
Four of a kind (2s, 3s, or 4s)4080120160200
Four of a kind (any other)20406080100
Full house816243240
Three of a kind3691215
Two pairs246810
Jacks or better12345

Bonus Poker Deluxe Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four of a kind80160240320400
Full house918273645
Three of a kind3691215
Two pairs12345
Jacks or better12345

Double Bonus Poker Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2,0004,0006,0008,0004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four of a kind (aces)160320480640800
Four of a kind (2s, 3s, or 4s)80160240320400
Four of a kind (any other)50100150200250
Full house918273645
Three of a kind3691215
Two pairs12345
Jacks or better12345

Double Double Bonus Poker Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four aces without any 2,3,44008001,2001,6002,000
Four 2s, 3s, 4s without any A,2,3,4160320480640800
Four aces160320480640800
Four 2s, 3s, 4s80160240320400
Four 5s through Ks50100150200250
Full house918273645
Three of a kind3691215
Two pairs12345
Pair of jacks +12345

Triple Double Bonus Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2004006008004,000
Straight flush50100150200250
Four of a kind – aces 2, 3, 4 kicker8001,6002,4003,2004,000
Four of a kind – 2s, 3s, or 4s A, 2, 3, or 4 kicker4008001,2001,6002,000
Four of a kind – aces 5s – Ks kicker160320480640800
Four of a kind – 2s, 3s, or 4s 5s – Ks kicker80160240320400
Four of a kind – any other50100150200250
Full house918273645
Three of a kind246810
Two pairs12345
Pair of jacks +12345

Deuces Wild Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Four deuces2004006008001,000
Wild royal flush255075100125
Five of a kind1632486480
Straight flush1020304050
Four of a kind48121620
Full house48121620
Three of a kind12345

Deuces Wild Bonus Pay Table

Coins/Hand1 Coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Royal flush2505007501,0004,000
Four deuces with an Ace4008001,2001,6002,000
Four deuces2004006008001,000
Wild royal flush255075100125
Five aces80160240320400
Five 3s, 4s or 5s4080120160200
Five 6s through Ks20406080100
Straight flush1530456075
Four of a kind48121620
Full house3691215
Three of a kind12345

Strategy for Super Times Pay Wheel Poker Video Poker

To maximize your winnings playing video poker, you’ll need to play with ideal strategy. This comes into play when you are deciding what to hold and discard for each deal that you get. You need to choose the combination of holds and discards that makes the most out of the deal in terms of its earning potential.

In the case of Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker, your first order of business should be to choose a specific pay table that you plan to play regularly. This will help you to learn strategy because you’ll be able to narrow your focus. Keep in mind that the right plays for one pay table might be not be right for another, so you must learn strategy specific to whatever pay table you select.

The tricky part of learning strategy for Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker comes in dealing with the special features. Some say that you should change up your strategic moves to account for them. Others say that you’ll just needlessly complicate matters without earning much in return.

For Example:

Should you make a play for a safe winning hand like a high pair when you have multipliers in place in a round of Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker? Doing so would help you make sure that the multipliers don’t go to waste. But you also might short-change yourself of the possibility of making a high-paying hand, which would really work wonders on your bankroll if the multipliers were attached to it.

By the same token, you have to decide if you’ll go all-out trying to achieve four of a kind hands while you play Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker. Doing so would increase the likelihood of putting the wheel into play. But you also might end up raising the volatility level on a game format that is ultimately pretty volatile in the first place.

Ultimately, you might have to decide what kind of player you are in terms of these issues. If you’re the aggressive type, you might go for the bigger hands at all costs. Meanwhile, a conservative player might try to make the plays that lower risk to its minimum level.

In terms of learning basic strategy, however, the good news is that you don’t have to figure it out on your own. There are resources which will help you learn ideal strategy for any of the pay tables found in the Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker game.

Video Poker Training Software

Using training software is a good way to learn basic video poker while also getting strategic advice on a specific pay table. You can get the hang of making bets and pressing the right buttons. And you’ll learn the right holds and discards along the way.

As you play with training software, you’ll be confronted with choices about what to hold and discard, just as if you were playing for real. When you make the wrong choice, according to the math, the software will tell you what you should have done. Once you’ve practiced for a while, you won’t need any more help.

Strategy Charts

Strategy charts can be found all over the internet. Just make sure that the one you use corresponds directly to the pay table you’re planning to play. Once you find that, you have to memorize it to use it properly.

You’ll see different card combinations on a strategy chart, ranked in order of their value when you get them on the deal. Once you know this, you’ll know what cards are most valuable to keep in every deal. Memorizing a strategy chart can ensure that you achieve perfect play for any pay table in Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker.

Pros and Cons of Super Times Pay Wheel Poker Video Poker

  • Multipliers can really boost your winnings from their normal levels
  • Getting a wheel spin will put a big chunk of coins into your bankroll
  • Multiple play pushes the pace higher than if you were playing a single hand at a time
  • You have to bet a lot every round to play the game at the highest level
  • When the special features don’t come into play, you’re basically betting 10 coins for five coins worth of payback
  • It’s a difficult game to play for a long time with a small bankroll

Super Times Pay Wheel Poker Video Poker Conclusion

Super Times Video Poker Harrah's

Super Times Pay Wheel Poker video poker might have your head spinning right along the wheel if you’re a newcomer to the game. But if you have a basic grasp of video poker, you shouldn’t have much trouble figuring it out. And if you can afford the big bets, you can anticipate many chances at massive payback.