A roulette wheel is one of the mosticonic features of a casino. As a symbol, it’s instantly recognisable –however, understanding the roulette wheel numbers can be a bit of a challengeif you’ve never played the game before.

Except for the American Roulette wheel, the wheel is constant in all other roulette games. The wheel consists of even and odd numbers 0 to 36 randomly placed in alternating red and black colors around the wheel in no particular order. Two of the standard variations of the game, French and European Roulette have an identical wheel. The second reference – When you add any three numbers appearing diagonally on the table, the result will be number 6. The number 12, 14, and 16 all appear diagonally to add up to 42. And when you add number 2 and 4, the result is 6 of course! The third reference – Three numbers appearing horizontally on the Roulette wheel adds to six,. Yes indeed they do. The numbers in the roulette wheel go from 1 to 36. You can add them all up on your calculator and get 666. The other way is to use Gauss formula to calculate the sum of the first n integers.

Whether you’re gambling in a physical casino, or playing premium American roulette at casino.com, it’s important to know how the numbers on the wheel work. There are actually two different types of roulette wheel – an American and a European version – and the way the game is played will depend on which one you’re using.

This post will explain how you can understand the numbers on both an American and European roulette wheel, to maximise your chances of an enjoyable game.

Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

American Roulette

The biggest difference between an American andEuropean roulette wheel is that the former features two zero pockets. Thisactually makes it more similar to the original roulette wheel, designed by theFrenchman Blaise Pascal in the 17thcentury. It was only in the 1800s that the single zero roulette wheel – whichwe see in Europe today – was invented, after casinos in Germany thought thebetter odds would attract more players.

In total, there are 38 pockets on an Americanroulette wheel. The numbers range from 0 to 36, with the addition of the extra00 pocket. Both the 0 and 00 pockets are green, while the remaining numbersalternate between red and black. The zeroes are at opposite sides of the wheel,with the numbers arranged counter clockwise in this order: 0, 2, 14,35, 23, 4, 16, 33, 21, 6, 18, 31, 19, 8, 12, 29, 25, 10, 27, 00, 1, 13, 36, 24,3, 15, 34, 22, 5, 17, 32, 20, 7, 11, 30, 26, 9, 28.

At first glance, there appears to be no logicto the arrangement of the roulette wheel numbers – and that’s precisely thepoint. An inexperienced gambler is likely to find it hard to remember thesequence and notice any bias as to where the ball lands.

European Roulette

Thanks to the single zero pocket, the house edge – theextent to which casino games are likely to favour the casino – is lower on aEuropean wheel than on an American wheel. This means players are more likely towin, or at least to mitigate their losses.

That’s not to say the arrangement of the roulettewheel numbers is any less confusing, though. Clockwise, the numbers read: 26, 3,35, 12, 28, 7, 29, 18, 22, 9, 31, 14, 20, 1, 33, 16, 24, 5, 10, 23, 8, 30, 11,36, 13, 27, 6, 34, 17, 25, 2, 21, 4, 19, 15, and 32. Again, this is to preventplayers from memorising the wheel – although experienced gamblers will no doubtnotice that one side of the wheel predominantly features high red numbers andlow black numbers, while the other side features low red numbers and high blackones.

What are the Benefits to Understanding the Numbers on a Roulette Wheel?

Althoughplaying roulette does not require skill, as it’s a game of pure chance, being more familiar with the numberson the wheel can potentially put you at an advantage.

Boththe wheel and ball should be weighted evenly, to avoid any bias as to where theball will land. If the weighting is not even, this means the wheel is eitherdefective (which could be the fault of the manufacturer) or deliberately riggedto benefit the casino. By understanding the layout of the numbers on theroulette wheel, you’ll be better placed to notice any bias – and use this toyour advantage.

Roulette is among the oldest casino games still in operation. People variously attribute the invention of the game to Blaise Pascal, Italian mathematician Don Pasquale and some others. Anyway, the introduction of the roulette wheel in Paris happened in the year 1765.

Number Roulette Wheel Online

The American roulette wheel boasts 38 slots, which feature numbers 00, 0 and 1-36. The slots 0,00 are green while slots 1,3,5,7,9,112,14,16,18,19,21,23,25,27,30,32,34, and 36 are red.

Slots 2,4,6,8,10,11,13,15,17,20,22,24,26,28,29,31,33, and 35 are black. Apart from the 0 and 00 slots, all the other slots alternate between black and red. The designers had one goal when arranging the numbers in a strange way. Their goal was to ensure that the high and low numbers, as well as the even and odd numbers, appear to alternate.

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Roulette experiment is quite simple. The gambler spins the wheel and then rolls a small ball in a groove, in opposite direction as the wheel’s motion. Eventually, the ball drops into a slot. Naturally, gamblers assume that the roulette wheel is fair. Therefore, the random variable X that provides the ball’s slot number remains evenly distributed over the sample.


Space S={00,0,1,…,36}, therefore,
P(X=x)=38 x∈S
P(X=x)=138 for each x∈S

The bets

When it comes to gambling, roulette is a very popular game due to its wider variety of bets the gambler can make. Most bets will appear to have similar expected values – negative value. But the variance will highly differ depending on the particular bet.

All roulette bets share the same expected value. However, the standard deviation will vary inversely with the total number of numbers the gambler selects. What are the significances of that for the gambler?

The theoretical win, the expected value and the standard deviation

The gambler derives the theoretical win form possibilities built into the casino game. Theoretically, all casino games are designed in a certain way to guarantee a good return to the casino, the winnings for the players (the theoretical wins) are always negative while the expectation also known as the expected value (winnings for the particular casino) is usually positive.

But as you expect with any probability, a randomness element exists. Therefore, the theoretical win standard deviation offers a threshold for the casino managers to decide whether the play has passed a limit where it turns suspect.

Theoretical win and the expected value

All The Numbers On A Standard Roulette Wheel Fortune

Gamblers determine the average results using theoretical win formula. A quick example:

Highest Number On Roulette Wheel

The payout of a split bet on single-zero roulette is 17:1. And 2/17 is the possibility of winning the split bet. In other words, 2 numbers are played from a total of 37 numbers. The possibility of losing the wager is 37-2/37=35/37 – for other numbers not played on. The wager theoretical winning formula is:
(Possibility of winning x units of wager payout) – (possibility of losing x bet)

(2/37 x17) – (35/37 x 1) = -0.02703

Alternatively, 50% of every wager on the single-zero roulette split wagers, in the long term; will achieve a $0.02703 loss per every dollar the gambler bets.
The standard deviation

Mostly, results will fall in the range of 3-standard deviations from the mean. To obtain the standard deviation, you have to turn to binomial distribution. The binomial distribution is a statistical dispersion where only 1 of every 2 outcomes is possible. In the above case, the outcome is either a loss or a win.

The binomial standard deviation formula is:

Number Roulette Wheel App

Square Root (the total number of games x the possibility of winning x the possibility of losing) x the average wager x (the unit of wager + the wager units’ payout)
Using the split wager example and $2 over 3 games as the average, the standard deviation formula would be:
Square Root (3 x 2/37 x 35/37 x $2 x (1+17)
= Square Root (3 x 2/37) x $2 x 18
= $14.09972 (Standard deviation of the theoretical win)
The result
Gamblers will use Z-table and the following table to determine whether the win of a gambler is probable.
(Win – Average win (the theoretical win)) / Standard deviation
If the player in the above example won $15, the yield would be:
The gambler wagered 3 games with a mean wager of $2. Therefore, the total bet would be $6
(15 – (-0.02703 x6)) / 14.09972
= 1.075352

All the numbers on a standard roulette wheel of fortune

What Do Numbers On Roulette Wheel Add Up To

The result of the wager is 1.075352, which means that the player’s gaming result is 1.075352-standard deviation from the mean. In other words, the gaming results of the player are in the range of the results 15%.
Importance of standard deviation in roulette casino

American Roulette Wheel Numbers

Actually, some wagers are more probable than the others are. Therefore, as a wager you will need to look at the probabilities. Probability is a basic ways of measuring the possibility of something happening. It is important in roulette casino game.

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